Great Big Green Week
The first Great Big Green Week launched last year by the Climate Coalition attracted 5000 events around the country. One, the Milland Green Fair, was organised by ERA in partnership with Milland Parish Council. Held in late September it proved to be a great success, despite the fact that it was the first such event that any of the organisers had been responsible for.
The sun shone all day and the 600 or so visitors, many of them young families, were able to stroll amongst the 30 different stalls and relax, sitting on straw bales, listening to the different bands and singers onstage and enjoying pizza from Vaporetto.
We were aiming for a mix of ‘fun with a message’ along with a decent amount of useful and serious information. So, stalls included those representing charities like Greenpeace and The Sussex Wildlife Trust were alongside others from local shops selling green alternatives to conventional household items. One stallholder taught 70 people to make Morsbags out of T-shirts without sewing a stitch. Another had a pathway of paper leading to a painting of the Earth. People were invited to draw their footprints on the path with a commitment to do something to help the planet.
Councillor Kate O’Kelly enjoying the fair
The ERA stalls run by Veronica Carter, Barry Cooper and Simon Southern focused on recycling and packaging, getting rid of plastics from the home and electric vehicles.
Midway through the day the panel of speakers on the climate crisis proved popular, indicating that visitors to the fair were concerned about the issue of climate change.
It was good to see the delightful local folk duo, Rosie and Rowan, amongst the musicians on stage. The wall-to-wall music made for a relaxing and festive atmosphere.
We were delighted to get a full page spread in The Petersfield Post and have been told that they will put in anything ERA wishes to send.
Would we do it again?? Maybe with enough help! It is an excellent way to raise awareness and share ideas while providing a fun day out for the family.