Rachel Ritchie: COP26 and us
Zoom talk on Valentine’s Day
The February ERA Zoom talk happened at the request of Bepton PC and six Parish Councils were represented in our audience. Rachel kindly offered to repeat her talk specifically for them and to add in a section ‘to look at how local democracy can contribute’, specifically tailored to the needs of our village Parish Councils.
ERA has also been in communication with members of Harting PC about their plans for a climate change village talk or a Green Fair, and with Rogate PC about the development of verges around the village. ERA worked with Milland PC as co-organisers of their highly successful Green Fair last year and collaborates with Rogate and Chithurst PC on the development of the Chairman’s Meadow at Dumpford. It seemed sensible to open up Rachel’s talk to all our local PCs.
Rachel Ritchie is a UN Accredited Climate Change teacher. She is a very engaging, expert speaker and we are lucky to have her in our local area. In her talk she gave us an overview of the science behind Climate Change as well as outlining the importance of COP26 and this year’s COP27 to give us a sense of where we find ourselves right now. Rachel went on to introduce us to some different forms of activism, with a range of ideas so that any of us might find something that suits. She discussed local democracy and its role in the challenging situation we find ourselves in. This situation calls for action at all levels, from international powers-that-be, down to each of us as individuals and all levels in between. What changes can we make in our own lives and how can our PCs support the dissemination of information and help lead our villages to a more sustainable future? How can we all do our bit?
There was a range of questions and a general discussion following the talk.